
“The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour” – Mark Twain

  • “Tive o prazer de conhecer o Michael através do um processo de Headhunting, e posso dizer que fiquei extremamente surpreendido pelo profissionalismo exemplar, desde o primeiro passo em que me contactou, até aos follow up regulares, e o facto de ser bastante pró-activo em dar um ponto de situação. Não tenho qualquer dúvida que é um exemplo de profissional numa área que no meu ponto de vista é extremamente crítica. Recomendo sem qualquer hesitação os seus serviços, tenho a certeza que conduzirá perfeitamente o vosso próximo desafio profissional.”

    Ricardo Batista

    Logistics – Lisbon, Portugal

  • “老天爷就是喜欢恶作剧,年初公司裁员令我措手不及,过了一小段迷茫的时间,让我质疑自己的价值,和接下来怎么办。然后我被介绍到 Career Crossroads。 Michael 不仅容易相处,他的行业关系、知识和提供建设性反馈的能力以及对招聘的所有支持都是无价的。我们很快确定了我的策略、重点和下一步应该是什么。在一个缓慢的市场中,Michael 能够将我介绍给相关的资深人士,并在面试过程中支持我。我获得了一个非常有挑战性的高级职位,我的未来看起来很乐观。”

    Janice Chung

    Ecommerce - Sydney

  • “I was introduced to Michael Boyd and CCI by a mutual friend. After a year of looking on my own I engaged the team at CCI to give me guidance on how to move forward. The advice provided was clear, concise and very relevant. I’ve taken the information, ideas and suggestions and adjusted my strategy for moving forward. I would highly recommend CCI to anyone who needs a fresh pair of eyes and a sounding board to help with moving their career forward.”

    Gordon Miller

    Mining – Vancouver, Canada

  • ​“Michael helped me at the literal crossroads of my life. I couldn’t see the forest for the trees when it came to my CV and direction I wanted to head towards. Michael has an innate ability to be open and honest with the people he coaches, to look at options that will actually take them down a more fulfilling career path.”

    Justin Gallego

    Software – Toronto, Canada

  • “Michael was incisive, confronting and above all honest when he assisted me with my job search. He was a breath of fresh air in the process.”

    Trevor Wetmore

    Finance – Sydney, Australia

  • “Michael’s advice and support on career matters is a smart investment. His search and recruitment network, experience and resources make him an ideal discussion partner and advisor who can make sure you are properly equipped to drive your career forward.”

    Mark McCarthy

    Management Consulting – Sydney, Australia

  • “I was recommended to Michael via a colleague. Michael was a breath of fresh air. Michael provided invaluable feedback on outplacement advice, resume content and construction, proactive job search initiatives and generally being there as a mentor and sounding board.”

    Glen Richmond

    Rail – Melbourne, Australia

  • “Elite athletes often use the term ‘match fitness’ to describe their preparedness for a big game. Michael and the services CCI offer provide the player with the confidence, insight and tools needed to win the day.”

    Zac Szablan

    Engineering – Sydney, Australia

  • آپ کی رہنمائی انتہائی اہم تھی۔ اس نے انٹرویو کے دوران لائن کو عبور کرنے میں میری مدد کی۔ مجھے امید ہے کہ اس آغاز سے مجھے مستقبل میں بہتر مواقع حاصل کرنے میں مدد ملے گی۔ شکریہ

    Mudassar Hassan

    Retail – Islamabad, Pakistan

  • “CCI provided great advice and sound industry knowledge! They gave me some great pointers to change my resume and I got an offer of employment within a week!”

    Matthew Newton

    Matthew Newton Education – Toronto, Canada

  • “O programa do CCI auxiliou na minha busca por um emprego e ajudou minha ansiedade durante o período. Levei 9 meses, (último 5 meses durante o Natal com CCI) para achar um emprego na minha área. O processo de recrutamento Australiano é bem diferente em relação ao do Brasil. A ajuda de um profissional alivia muito a frustação do processo. Ainda assim, esta mudança é um trabalho difícil que necessita dedicação e paciência. No final tenho a certeza de que todo o esforço compensará.”

    Rafael Mello

    Automation – São Paulo, Brazil

  • “I had the pleasure to work with CCI going on two years. Michael’s professional and transparent approach makes it very easy to communicate with. He always goes above and beyond to source the best calibre for our business. He has a high sense of urgency and commitment and always delivers on his promises.”

    Marianne Farag

    Allied Health – Sydney, Australia

  • “Michael is a true advocate for his client – he navigated me through unfamiliar processes in a timely and professional manner. It was clear that he is very knowledgeable and insightful in relation to the labour market and there was never doubt of his commitment.”

    Laura Burke

    Healthcare – Toronto, Canada

  • “Thanks Michael for everything you did to make this easy. Not only did you manage the job well but you also rolled up your sleeves and pitched in. You did a great job keeping me informed throughout the process and did a great job following up. And you always had a wonderful smile on your face! Thanks!”

    Sole Trujillo

    Telecommunications – Los Angeles, USA

  • “Thank you so much for the wonderful presentation. It was exceptionally informative and did world of good to the students who attended. The feedback at the conclusion was quite positive and students enjoyed the way you steered the session.”

    Salman Hatimali

    Education – Sydney, Australia

  • “I have enjoyed working with CCI and was impressed by their friendly and professional manner as well as the expertise in mentoring my career path. I enjoyed immediate results after they refined and polished my CV and can attest to a 49% increase in my profile views on LinkedIn.”

    Bill Rossi

    Aviation – Singapore

  • “J’ai utilise les services de Mike pendant les 3 derniers mois. J’ai pu retrouver un emploi il y a 15 jours. Mike m a aide dans plusieurs domaines: constituer un Bon CV avec des tests de competences qui sont tres utiles (pour les enterprises mais aussi la confiance personnelle), son approche systematique des contacts et son experience des entretiens. Je vous recommande l aide de Mike sans reserve.”

    Laurent Janitza

    Aviation - France

  • “去年我正在唸書和找工作同時,參加了學校辦的一個職涯講座,而講者Michael Boyd教導大家使用社交網站像LinkedIn及如何在網站上讓自己更突出。我聽從Michael的建議重新修改了我的履歷,結果不到三個月,有公司開始主動聯絡我去面試,並順利的在一個月內得到了一份待遇相當好的全職工作。從那時開始,我就一直和Michael保持聯絡,不時和Michael請教一些職涯發展上的疑問”

    Daphne Lin

    Finance – Taipei, Taiwan

  • “我很荣幸与国际十字路的迈克尔·博伊德合作。迈克尔真的很专业,他能通过一个有着很良好结构的一对一课程提供完美的事业前景建议和指导。 我和迈克尔工作很愉快,他有着专业的职业生涯辅导和指导专业经验,就业市场的洞察力和雇主工作关系网。 我强烈推荐迈克尔给那些需要开始寻找一下一个职业生涯或规划未来就业机会的人 吴绮玲”

    Catherine Ng

    Education – Beijing, China

  • “In Bezug auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen Michael, kann ich Ihnen nicht genug dafür danken, dass Sie mich in dem Bewerbungsprozess sehr nah und persönlich begleitet haben und den gesamten Prozess sehr aktiv vorantreiben haben ohne dabei Ihre Geduld und positive Einstellung jemals zu verlieren. In der Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen hatte ich stets das Gefühl das meine Interessen in guten Händen liegen und ich persönlich immer bestens vertreten bin. Sie haben sich wirklich Zeit genommen, mich und meine Motivationen zu verstehen und haben mich auch bei Ihren Kunden sehr gut vertreten. Es wäre mir eine große Freude auch in der Zukunft mit Ihnen weiter zusammenzuarbeiten und Ich werde Sie in und außerhalb meines Netzwerks immer wärmstens weiterempfehlen.”

    Filip Jankovic

    Supply Chain – Düsseldorf, Germany

  • “I had previously engaged a career mentor after returning from Singapore. However, at a recent transition point in my career, within my industry I needed to source a mentor more relevant to me. In my Google research I came across Michael Boyd at Career Crossroads International. From my initial consultation, I felt relaxed with Michael’s approach to my situation. I also believed that we were on the same page with what I wanted to do and needed to achieve in my career going forward. After three years of teaming with Michael, I continue to remain positive about what I seek to achieve overall for my career and have recently broadened my outlook by not just focusing on current and future employment but also establishing my own business. My career transition is a continuing process as I work together with Michael to create my future career achievements.”

    Stephen Carey

    Education - England

  • “لقد عانيت كثيراً عند وصولي لأستراليا لفهم متطلبات وثقافة سوق العمل المحلي ولإيجاد عمل يتناسب مع تعليمي وخبراتي، إلى أن نصحني أحد أصدقائي بالاتصال بشركة (سي سي آي) لخدمات التنمية والتطوير الوظيفية والشخصية. لقد قام فريق التنمية في (سي سي آي) بدور هائل في تعريفي ليس فقط بثقافة الشركات في أستراليا، بل بثقافة البلد بشكل عام. كنتيجة مباشرة لجهودهم المتواصلة وتدريبهم الفعال، وعلاقاتهم القوية في سوق العمل، لقد تم تعييني في إحدى كبرى الشركات العالمية في أستراليا.ولكوني حديثاً في سوق العمل الأسترالي، لقد كان من المفيد أن أجد من يوفر لي التوجيه والدعم خلال هذه الفترة.”

    باهر شقيرات – سيدني (Baher Shqairat)

    Software – Amman, Jordan

  • “Michael is very well connected in the Supply Chain world so has a good knowledge of what roles are in the market as well as who would be best suited for them on the basis of culture and style fit. I had not worked directly with Michael until earlier this year when he persistently, but professionally, engaged me for the role which I am now in. It was a really great experience working with Michael as he is a straight shooter and provides great advice along the way. If you are looking for a role in Supply Chain or looking for someone to fill a role for you, you should talk to Michael.”

    Amy Bentley

    Supply Chain – Sydney, Australia

  • “Michael Boyd aka the Jerry Maguire of Recruitment was a breath of fresh air. If you are looking for humanity, honesty and integrity in your talent partner he’s your man. He was an incredible help not only in finding me an opportunity of a lifetime he redesigned my resume and mentored me to take on a role I thought would be a bit too big for me. And yes, he showed me the money!”

    Sandra Mostertz-Florian

    Supply Chain Transformation – Sydney, Australia

  • “सीसीआई की टीम ने ऑस्ट्रेलिया लौटने के बाद मेरे करियर को फिर से शुरू करने की मेरी यात्रा पर कदम दर कदम मार्गदर्शन किया। सलाह व्यावहारिक, यथार्थवादी और प्रेरक थी, जिससे मुझे अपनी वास्तविक क्षमता का एहसास करने में मदद मिली। जैसे-जैसे हम अपने पेशेवर करियर में आगे बढ़ते हैं, आपके सॉफ्ट स्किल्स के स्तर को जानने और समझने का महत्व तेजी से बढ़ता है। आपकी क्षमताओं को समझने और सुधार के लिए अपने क्षेत्रों की पहचान करने के लिए सीसीआई का सॉफ्ट स्किल्स मूल्यांकन एक उत्कृष्ट उपकरण है। इससे मुझे अपने कौशल में सुधार करने, अपनी सही मार्केटिंग करने और कुछ ही हफ्तों में नौकरी हासिल करने में बहुत मदद मिली। मैं सीसीआई की सेवाओं और उनके सॉफ्ट स्किल्स मूल्यांकन की पुरजोर अनुशंसा करता हूं।”

    Bal Mittal

    Logistics – Mumbai, India